RiskCheck Point of Sale Report

Modified on 2018/01/31 13:49 by Administrator — Categorized as: Personal Lines!United States

RISK:check® Point of Sale (RCPOS) is used to verify information provided by a personal automobile insurance applicant at the point of sale. Inaccurate or untruthful information can result in premium leakage or subsequent fraudulent / inflated claims. RCPOS provides a “lie detector test” to the application verifying (1.) applicant identity; (2.) garaging address; (3.) household make-up; and (4.) vehicle information. The returned results can be used to ensure appropriate rating of the risk and/or as a guide for requesting additional underwriting information from the applicant. Applications with low scores (few exceptions) can be routed on a path to be bound in an expedited manner.

You can retrieve various RiskCheck Point of Sale reports depending on your needs: