RiskCheck Point of Sale Report without Vehicle


RISK:check Point-of-Sale model including identity, garaging, and household exception codes (excludes vehicle exception codes).

Technical Details

  • REST URL’s
    • User Acceptance Environment (UAT)
      • https://gatewayuat.verisk.com/underwriting/riskcheckpointofsale/withoutvehicle/v5
    • Production (PROD)
      • https://gateway.verisk.com/underwriting/riskcheckpointofsale/withoutvehicle/v5

  • HTTP Method
    • POST

  • Headers (XML)
    • Content-Type: application/xml
    • Accept: application/xml
    • Authorization: Bearer <access token retrieved from Security Token Service>
      • Token received from Security Service should be used as Bearer

  • Headers (JSON)
    • Content-Type: application/json
    • Accept: application/json
    • Authorization: Bearer <access token retrieved from Security Token Service>
      • Token received from Security Service should be used as Bearer

  • Required Parameters (optional fields may be submitted as well)
    • OrgId :- Request.Header.Authorization.OrgId
    • ShipId :- Request.Header.Authorization.ShipId
    • 1 to 25 Subjects
      • Primary Subject (Subject 1 Required and must be the Primary Subject)
        • GivenName, Surname (Required)
        • MiddleName (Optional)
      • 1 to 24 additional Subjects (Optional)
        • GivenName, Surname (Required)
        • MiddleName (Optional)
      • Associated with each Subject:
        • DOB (Optional)
        • SSN (Optional)
        • Driver's License/DL State (Optional)
        • Phone Number for Primary Subject (Optional)
      • 1 to 3 Addresses
        • Current (Required for Primary Subject)
        • Former (Optional)
        • Mailing (Optional)
    • Policy Number (Optional)
    • 0 to 25 VINs (Optional except when a VIN search for Vehicle data is to be performed)

You can specify that you would like to receive your response as XML simply by setting a Header of "Accept" to "application/xml"
  • Headers
    • Regardless of which URL you are using, the following headers are required
      • Content-Type: application/json or application/xml
      • Accept: application/json or application/xml
      • Authorization: Bearer db6e8bdf3b8ce796d38f2cd4298d252

Samples and Schemas

  • Please contact PLUWClientServices@verisk.com or your Account Manager for Request/Response Samples and Schemas

Release Notes

  • V4 to V5
    • REST URL updated from /v4 to /v5
    • Updated the address, household, subject and vehicle sections within RCPOS V5. These changes are reflected within the ResponseFieldtoXMLMapping tab and the associated tables that are linked to these fields within the RCPOS V5 Data Dictionary. Details below
    • Address Section Changes
      • Created an address section.
      • Removed the following fields from the ResponseFieldToXMLMapping tab:
        • Address Type Description, District URB, FIPS State Code, Multi Type Description
      • Added the following fields to the ResponseFieldToXMLMapping tab:
        • Hygiene Error and DPV Vacant
      • Removed code and description fields and updated XML Tags within the RCPOS Response Schema for the following fields within the Address Section:
        • FIPS County Code to FIPSCountyCD and Multi Type Code to MultiType
          Please see example below:
          RCPOS V4 Fieldname
              <Description>Unknown Gender Present</Description>
          RCPOS V5 Fieldname
    • Household Section Changes
      • Removed the following fields from the ResponseFieldToXMLMapping tab:
        • Youths 0 to 2 Description, Youths 3 to 5 Description, Youths 6 to 10 Description, Youths 11 to 15 Description, Youths 16 to 17 Description, Dwelling Type Description, Homeowner Description, Homeowner Indicator Description, Household Size Description, Length of Residence Description, Household Education Description, Household Education Indicator Description, Household Occupation Description, Household Marital Status Description, Household Marital Status Indicator Description, New Pre Driver Trigger, TriggerVal Income Code, Trigger Val Income Description, Wealth Resources Description, Target Net Worth Code, Target New Worth Description
      • Added the following fields to the ResponseFieldToXMLMapping tab:
        • SOHO Indicator Household, New Driver Trigger, New Young Adult Trigger, New Young Adult Change Date, New Adult Trigger, New Adult Change Date, Net Worth
      • Removed code and description fields and updated XML Tags within the RCPOS Response Schema for the following fields within the Household Info Section:
        • Youths 0 to 2 Code to Youths0to2, Youths 3 to 5 Code to Youths3to5, Youths 6 to 10 Code to Youths6to10, Youths 11 to 15 Code to Youths11to15, Youths 16 to 17 Code to Youths16to17, Homeowner Code to Homeowner, Homeowner Indicator Code to HomeownerIndicator, Length of Residence Indicator Code to LengthofResidenceIndicator, Length of Residence Code to LengthofResidence, Household Education Code to HouseholdEducation, Household Education Indicator Code to HouseholdEducationIndicator, Household Occupation Code to HouseholdOccupation, Household Marital Status Code to HouseholdMaritalStatus, Household Marital Status Indicator Code to HouseholdMaritalStatusIndicator, Wealth Resources Code to WealthResources, Dwelling Type Code to DwellingType, and Dwelling Type Indicator Code to DwellingTypeIndicator
          Please see example below:
          RCPOS V4 Fieldname
              <Description>Unknown Gender Present</Description>
          RCPOS V5 Fieldname
    • Subject Section Changes
      • Removed the following fields from the ResponseFieldToXMLMapping tab:
        • Name Prefix Code, Name Prefix Description, Name Suffix Description, Member Code Description, Age, Marital Status Description, Marital Status Indicator Code, Marital Status Indicator Description, Day of Birth Indicator Code, Day of Birth Description, Date of Month Code, Date of Month Description, Occupation Description
      • Added the following fields to the ResponseFieldToXMLMapping tab:
        • DL Type, DL State, DL Number, DL Issue Date, DL Expire Date, Match Type, SOHO Indicator, Driver Assurance Score
      • Removed code and description fields and updated XML Tags within the RCPOS Response Schema for the following fields within the Subject section:
        • Gender Code to Gender, Marital Status Code to Marital, Name Suffix Code to Suffix, Member to MemberCode, and Occupation Code to Occupation
          Please see example below:
          RCPOS V4 Fieldname
              <Description>Unknown Gender Present</Description>
          RCPOS V5 Fieldname
    • Vehicle Section Changes
      • Removed the following fields from the ResponseFieldToXMLMapping tab:
        • Source, VIN Change Indicator Description, Address Type Description, VIN Compare Code, VIN Compare Description, Lessee Lessor Code, Lessee Lessor Description, Document Type Code, Document Type Description, VIN Change Indicator Description, Registered Owner Name Prefix Code, Registered Owner Name Prefix Description, Second Owner Name Prefix Code, Second Owner Name Prefix Description, Second Owner Name Suffix Code, Second Owner Name Suffix Description, Is VIN Valid, and Activity Date.
      • Added the following fields to the ResponseFieldToXMLMapping tab:
        • Internal Driver Code, Restriction Code, Make Description, Data Source, VIN Match, Valid VIN Indicator, Source VIN, Corrected VIN, Body Style Code, Body Style Description, Branded Title State 3, Branded Title Date 3, Branded Title Code 3, Branded Title Desc 3, Lease Ind Code, Name Title 3 Code, Name Title 3 Description, Name Code 3, Name Code 3 Description, Third Owner Given Name, Third Owner Middle Name, and Third Owner Surname.
      • Removed code and description fields and updated XML Tags within the RCPOS Response Schema for the following fields within the vehicle section:
        • Is Match Name Individual to MatchSameIndividual, VIN Change Indicator Code to VINChangeIndicator, Vehicle Type to VehicleTypeCode, Vehicle Type Description to VehicleTypeDesc, Branded Title 1 Code to BrandedTitleCode1, Branded Title Date Full to BrandedTitleDate1, Branded Title 1 Description to BrandedTitleDesc1, Vin Change Indicator Code to VINChangeIndicator, Plate Type Code to PlateTypeCode, Plate Type Description to PlateTypeDesc, Name Title 1 Code to NameTitleCode1, Name Title 1 Description to NameTitleDesc1, Name Title Code 2 to NameTitle2Code, and Name Title 2 Description to NameTitleDesc2
          Please see example below:
          RCPOS V4 Fieldname
              <Description>Unknown Gender Present</Description>
          RCPOS V5 Fieldname

  • V3 to V4
    • REST URL updated from /v3 to /v4
    • Removed Reason Messages from Response schema
    • Response schema validation added to improve data quality and returns http status 588 for response schema validation errors
    • Added Household Section to Response schema that includes (* notes new information that will be returned):
      • Household makeup (subjects by age bands)
      • Education
      • Occupation
      • Marital Status
      • Homeowner Type*
      • Household Size*
      • Dwelling Type*
      • Length of Residence*
      • Additional Education Status*
      • Income/Wealth Information*
      • New Driver Indicator*
    • Renamed DwellingType to MultiType in Addresses Section
    • Removed Source Indicator code and description field from Address Section
    • A new StatusCode field is added to the response schema. It will contain the HttpStatusCode value.