LightSpeed Auto


LightSpeed™ Auto is an online consumer-friendly plug-&-play analytics and acquisition platform providing the ability to rigorously underwrite each risk at quote start and provide the customer a best-in-class user experience. The product delivers a complete auto pre-fill solution, along with the full product responses from many of the products providing the core information. The data is also scored for validity and thoroughness to reduce fraud and increase the carrier’s ability to streamline the quoting process.

Technical Details

  • REST URL’s
    • User Acceptance Environment (UAT)
    • Production (PROD)

  • HTTP Method
    • POST

  • Headers (XML)
    • Content-Type: application/xml
    • Accept: application/xml
    • Authorization: Bearer <access token retrieved from Security Token Service>
      • Token received from Security Service should be used as Bearer

  • Headers (JSON)
    • Content-Type: application/json
    • Accept: application/json
    • Authorization: Bearer <access token retrieved from Security Token Service>
      • Token received from Security Service should be used as Bearer

  • Required Parameters
    • OrgId :- Request.Header.Authorization.OrgId
    • ShipId :- Request.Header.Authorization.ShipId
    • Driver First Name :- Request.Body.Drivers.Driver.GivenName
    • Driver Last Name :- Request.Body.Drivers.Driver.Surname
    • Current Street Name :- Request.Body.Addresses.Address.AddressType[Current].Street1
    • Current City :- Request.Body.Addresses.Address.AddressType[Current].City
    • Current State :- Request.Body.Addresses.Address.AddressType[Current].StateCode
    • Current Zip :- Request.Body.Addresses.Address.AddressType[Current].Zip

You can specify that you would like to receive your response as XML simply by setting a Header of "Accept" to "application/xml"
  • Headers
    • Regardless of which URL you are using, the following headers are required
      • Content-Type: application/json or application/xml
      • Accept: application/json or application/xml
      • Authorization: Bearer db6e8bdf3b8ce796d38f2cd4298d252

Samples and Schemas

  • Please contact or your Account Manager for Request/Response Samples and Schemas

Release Notes

  • V3 to V4
    • REST URL updated from /v3 to/v4
    • Updated request schema to allow SSN as an optional field.
    • Changes to CompleteQuote\Addresses\Address
      • LightSpeed will now return up to 3 addresses based on credit header data along with dates first and last reported.
      • Addresses will contain Geocoding information when available
      • Updated field HygieneError to AddressResultCodes indicating address match status, error, and or correction.
      • Removed – DPVStatus, DPVVacant, MultiType
    • Changes to CompleteQuote\Subjects\Subject\ SecondarySourceInfo
      • Updated PhoneNumber Section and included first and last seen.
    • Changes to CompleteQuote\Subjects\Subject\MotorVehicleReports\MotorVehicleReport
      • Added new field OriginalIssueDate
    • Integrated with New Data Sources
      • InflectionCBIS
        • Added new section CompleteQuote\Subjects\Subject\InflectionCBIS
      • RiskAnalyzerVehicle
        • Added new section CompleteQuote\Vehicles\Vehicle\RiskAnalyzer
      • RiskAnalyzerEnvironmental
        • Added new section CompleteQuote\RiskAnalyzerEnvironmental
      • Incident Alert
        • Added new section CompleteQuote\Subjects\Subject\CourtReports
      • A-PLUS Auto Public Records Enhanced
        • Added new section CompleteQuote\CrashRecords

  • V2 to V3
    • REST URL updated from /v2 to /v3
    • Updated request schema to allow multiple drivers
    • Changes to CompleteQuote\RiskCheckScoreSummary
      • Removed ScoreDecile Description
      • Added CreditHeader
    • Changes to CompleteQuote\Policies\Policy
      • Moved the following fields to CoverageLapseInformation section, HasPossibleLapse, IsCurrentInforceCoverage, NumberOfCoverageDays, NumberOfLapseDays
      • Removed – YearsContinuouslyCovered, MonthsWithCurrentInsuranceCompany
    • Added new Coverage Lapse Info section CompleteQuote\CoverageLapseInformation
    • Changes to CompleteQuote\Addresses\Address
      • Removed code and description fields from address section. Please refer to RiskCheck point of sale Data dictionary for description values.
      • Removed - District URB, FIPSStateCode, IsChanged
      • Renamed - IsUSPSValidAddress to DPVStatus
    • Changes to CompleteQuote\HouseholdInformation
      • Removed code and description fields from Household info section from Response schema. All fields will show codes only. Please refer to RiskCheck point of sale data dictionary for description values.
      • Added new fields to Household Info section. NumberOfSourcesVerifyingHousehold, VerificationRangeOfHousehold, SOHOIndicatorHousehold, NewYoungAdultTrigger, NewYoungAdultChangeDate, NewAdultTrigger, NewAdultChangeDate, PhoneNumber
      • Renamed NewPreDriverTrigger to NewDriverTrigger, TriggerValIncome to ValueIncomeTrigger, TargetNetWorth to NetWorth
    • Changes to CompleteQuote\Subjects\Subject
      • Reorganized subject section to separate the FCRA and Non-FCRA fields.
      • Added – EntityScore
      • Removed code and description fields from subject section. Please refer to CV and RiskCheck Point of Sale data dictionary for description.
      • Added new section PrimarySourceInfo (FCRA fields)
        • Existing fields - DOB, Gender, MaritalStatus, DLState, DLNumber, SSN, RelationToPolicyHolder, RelationToInsured, FromDate, ToDate
      • Added new section SecondarySourceInfo (Non-FCRA fields)
        • Existing fields - DOB, Gender, MaritalStatus, Occupation, MemberCode, VerificationDate
        • New fields - AssociatedSurname, DLState, DLNumber, DLType, DLIssueDate, DLExpireDate, SOHOIndicator, MatchType, VerificationRange, DriverAssuranceScore, InternalDriverCode, (PhoneNumbers, Emails – Future use)
        • Removed DOBDayIndicator, DOBMonthIndicator, MaritalStatusIndicator
    • Changes to CompleteQuote\Subjects\Subject\MotorVehicleReports\MotorVehicleReport
      • Added new fields to MotorVehicleReport section - DriversPrivacyProtectionActFlag, Name, Address, DOB, Height, Weight, EyeColor, HairColor
    • Changes to CompleteQuote\Vehicles\Vehicle
      • Reorganized Vehicle section to separate the FCRA fields from Registration. Updated codeDescription object to single string for some vehicle fields.
      • Added – EntityScore
      • Added new section VehiclePolicyData (FCRA fields)
        • Existing fields- Year, Make, Model, BusinessUse, ClassCode, CollisionDeductibleAmount, ComprehensiveDeductibleAmount, FromDate, ToDate, CollisionIndicator, CollisionIndividualLimitAmount, CollisionOccurenceLimitAmount, ComprehensiveIndicator, ComprehensiveIndividualLimitAmount, ComprehensiveOccurenceLimitAmount, Coverages, Addresses(garaging)
      • Added new section RegistrationData (Registration fields)
        • Existing fields – IsBranded, BrandedTitleState1, BrandedTitleDate1, BrandedTitleCode1, BrandedTitleDesc1, BrandedTitleState2, BrandedTitleDate2, BrandedTitleCode2, BrandedTitleDesc2, VehicleTypeCode, VehicleTypeDesc, Address, LicensePlateNumber, PlateTypeCode, VINChangeIndicator PlateTypeDesc, StateOfRegistration, TransactionDate, ExpirationDate, VINChangeIndicator
        • New fields – RestrictionCode, VIN, SourceVIN, CorrectedVIN, ModelYear, Make, MakeDesc, Model, BodyStyleCode, BodyStyleDesc, BrandedTitleState3, BrandedTitleDate3, BrandedTitleCode3, BrandedTitleDesc3, NameCode1, NameCodeDesc1, ThirdOwnerName, NameTitleCode3, NameCodeDesc3, NameTitleDesc3, NameCode3, Address, AddressMatch, SurnameMatch, MatchSameIndividual
        • Renamed – IsVINValid to ValidVINIndicator, VINCompare to VINMatch, LesseeLessor to LeaseInd
        • Removed – DocumentType, ActivityDate
      • Added new section NonRegistrationData (future use)
        • VIN, ModelYear, Make, Model, FirstSeenDate, LastSeenDate
      • Changes to CompleteQuote\Vehicles\Vehicle\VINMASTER\Vehicles\Vehicle
        • Updated CodeDescription object to single string for VINMASTER fields
        • Added new fields under VINMASTER, ADASResults (Trim, Feature, Availability) VIN, FullModelYear, Make, MakeDescription, BasicModelName, FullModelName, GrossVehicleWeight, PayloadCapacity, Height, EngineSize, Wheelbase, EngineCylinders, EngineCylindersDescription, EngineType, EngineTypeDescription, BodyInfo, BodyInfoDescription, EngineInfo, EngineInfoDescription, TransmissionInfo, TransmissionInfoDescription, FourWheelDriveIndicator, FourWheelDriveIndicatorDescription, Restraint, RestraintDescription, RestraintInfo, RestraintInfoDescription, ClassCode, ClassCodeDescription, VMPerformanceIndicator, VMPerformanceIndicatorDescription, TonnageIndicator, TonnageIndicatorDescription
    • Changes to CompleteQuote\Claims\Claim
      • Added MatchByInputDriverNumber in claim section.
    • Integrated with Mileage data source CompleteQuote\Vehicles\Vehicle\Mileage

  • V1 to V2
    • REST URL updated from /v1 to /v2
    • DOB is now optional (but highly recommended) in the request
    • Vehicle Section available (up to 5 vehicles) in the request
    • Additional fields added to Policies, MVR, Vehicle, and Claims sections in the response
    • New Household Information section with additional fields in the response
      • Household makeup (subjects by age bands)
      • Education^
      • Occupation^
      • Marital Status^
      • Homeowner Type#
      • Household Size#
      • Dwelling Type#
      • Length of Residence#
      • Additional Education Status#
      • Income/Wealth Information#
      • New Driver Indicator#
    • Renamed DwellingType to MultiType in Addresses Section
    • Removed Source Indicator code and description field from Address Section
    • Vehicle information includes information from VINMASTER (Vehicle Characteristics and Physical Damage and/or Liability Symbols)*
    • Vehicle information includes information from VESM (Verisk Telematic Driving Score)*
    • A new StatusCode field is added to the response schema. It will contain the HttpStatusCode value
      • * - requires additional Product Supplements and contracts to be signed in order to receive this data
      • # - new information that will be returned
      • ^ - fields moved from Subject section