Undisclosed Driver Information

Undisclosed Driver Information solutions (UDI) help carriers estimate underwriting risk accurately and calculate suitable premiums. UDI retrieves pertinent information – like name and date of birth – about possible drivers in the household and allows you to identify the exact extent of household impact from these discovered drivers.

  • Undisclosed Driver Information – Household Driver Solutions
    • Our NEW UDI – Household Driver Solution aids carriers in prefilling driver data with just a name and address by leveraging multiple data sources to provide a picture of the household. Discovered drivers may be returned as a household match, address only indicated, or as known associations with the input PNI. Each individual discovered driver record includes a Driver Assurance score that acts as a confidence guide. With our multiple data source approach, we can help carriers target their interest for driver information only or access an expanded solution providing additional detail including household demographics and residence information.