UnderWriting API

Welcome to UnderWriting API!

Here you can find all the documentation and information you need to get started coding to our various API.

We maintain documentation on this site for the most current version of the API Only. Previous versions are still supported (except for deprecated versions), but the documentation is not maintained on this site. For questions regarding changes between versions, please contact us.

The UnderWriting API is a collection of RESTful Web Services. REST services are URL based and easy to call. (There is no SOAP endpoint for the API). Built on industry standards and utilizing this RESTful architecture, the UnderWriting API provides a simple interface to access underwriting data, and will return the data in a structure that is easy to consume. The API is flexible, allowing data to be returned in either JSON or XML format. The API was built as a collection of small, atomic services, enabling maximum performance.

Some advantages of API's built in this "microservices" style architecture:
  • Optimal performance: customers may consume whatever services they need, and call multiple services in parallel (while possibly continuing to work even before all responses have returned, if so desired), rather than rely on a single service to consolidate all the API calls and return a single response
  • Ease of development ramp up time: our customers development teams can start immediately going after whatever services/data elements they need, without requiring any development work from Verisk potentially delaying them
  • Improves fault isolation: the effects of changes, failures and errors in a single API service should be largely contained and isolated to just that service
  • Simplified response: each unique service responds with a dedicated and focused response, rather than a collection of unrelated elements

Please see how to get started and then browse to documentation for the various reports you need.

Have a question? Feel free to Contact Us