A-PLUS Auto Report Cap


A-PLUS™ Auto Loss History Reports provide objective and comprehensive data insurance carriers need to assess risk and set pricing accurately.This data helps make the quote process faster, easier, and more profitable. Each report provides up to five years of rich loss history information on all auto loss and coverage types.The report also provides information about previous claims filed by the potential insured and previous claims filed by others about the insured or the vehicle(s) to be insured.
Additionally, the report contains information on flags and indicators, such as At-Fault accidents, Salvage, Mexico theft, Hurricane Katrina, Notice of Recall, and prior repair estimates.

Technical Details

  • REST URL’s
    • User Acceptance Environment (UAT)
      • https://gatewayuat.verisk.com/underwriting/aplusauto/cap/v4
    • Production (PROD)
      • https://gateway.verisk.com/underwriting/aplusauto/cap/v4

  • HTTP Method
    • POST

  • Headers (XML)
    • Content-Type: application/xml
    • Accept: application/xml
    • Authorization: Bearer <access token retrieved from Security Token Service>
      • Token received from Security Service should be used as Bearer

  • Headers (JSON)
    • Content-Type: application/json
    • Accept: application/json
    • Authorization: Bearer <access token retrieved from Security Token Service>
      • Token received from Security Service should be used as Bearer

  • Required Parameters
    • OrgId :- Request.Header.Authorization.OrgId
    • ShipId :- Request.Header.Authorization.ShipId
    • Primary Driver First Name :- Request.Body.Drivers.Driver.Sequence[1].GivenName
    • Primary Driver Last Name :- Request.Body.Drivers.Driver.Sequence[1].Surname
    • Current Street Name :- Request.Body.Addresses.Address.AddressType[Current].Street1
    • Current City :- Request.Body.Addresses.Address.AddressType[Current].City
    • Current State :- Request.Body.Addresses.Address.AddressType[Current].StateCode

You can specify that you would like to receive your response as XML simply by setting a Header of "Accept" to "application/xml"
  • Headers
    • Regardless of which URL you are using, the following headers are required
      • Content-Type: application/json or application/xml
      • Accept: application/json or application/xml
      • Authorization: Bearer db6e8bdf3b8ce796d38f2cd4298d252

Samples and Schemas

  • Please contact PLUWClientServices@verisk.com or your Account Manager for Request/Response Samples and Schemas