A-PLUS Property Report Cap


A-PLUS serves the needs of both personal and commercial underwriters. Search requests initiate thorough searches of the database. Matching claims are returned based on the information entered by the company in their search requests. By providing as much search data as possible, companies are assured of maximizing the match potential of A-PLUS.

A-PLUS will automatically perform all searches possible from the information provided in the search request. In situations where there are multiple risk locations, separate requests are required.

When a match is made, reports give the loss history of an individual, a business, or a specific location (for example, a building that has experienced a number of floods and/or water damage claims.)

Technical Details

  • REST URL’s
    • User Acceptance Environment (UAT)
      • https://gatewayuat.verisk.com/underwriting/aplusproperty/cap/v4
    • Production (PROD)
      • https://gateway.verisk.com/underwriting/aplusproperty/cap/v4

  • HTTP Method
    • POST

  • Headers (XML)
    • Content-Type: application/xml
    • Accept: application/xml
    • Authorization: Bearer <access token retrieved from Security Token Service>
      • Token received from Security Service should be used as Bearer

  • Headers (JSON)
    • Content-Type: application/json
    • Accept: application/json
    • Authorization: Bearer <access token retrieved from Security Token Service>
      • Token received from Security Service should be used as Bearer
  • Required Parameters
    • OrgId :- Request.Header.Authorization.OrgId
    • ShipId :- Request.Header.Authorization.ShipId
    • Insured First Name :- Request.Body.Subjects.Subject.Sequence[1].Person.GivenName
    • Insured Last Name :- Request.Body.Subjects.Subject.Sequence[1].Person.SurName
    • Current Street Name :- Request.Body.Addresses.Address.AddressType[Risk].Street1
    • Current City :- Request.Body.Addresses.Address.AddressType[Risk].City
    • Current State :- Request.Body.Addresses.Address.AddressType[Risk].StateCode

You can specify that you would like to receive your response as XML simply by setting a Header of "Accept" to "application/xml"
  • Headers
    • Regardless of which URL you are using, the following headers are required
      • Content-Type: application/json or application/xml
      • Accept: application/json or application/xml
      • Authorization: Bearer db6e8bdf3b8ce796d38f2cd4298d252

Samples and Schemas

  • Please contact PLUWClientServices@verisk.com or your Account Manager for Request/Response Samples and Schemas

Release Notes

  • V3 to V4
    • REST URL updated from /v3 to /v4
    • Removed Business fields from the request schema
    • SSN Information and Claim Standardization fields can be returned in the response
    • A StatusCode field is added to the response schema. It will contain the HttpStatusCode value