Motor Vehicle Report - Submit Request


In order to retrieve a Motor Vehicle Report, you must first submit a request and retrieve an Order Number. You must submit a second request using the Order Number to retrieve the report.

Technical Details

  • REST URL’s
    • User Acceptance Environment (UAT)
    • Production (PROD)

  • HTTP Method
    • POST

  • Headers (XML)
    • Content-Type: application/xml
    • Accept: application/xml
    • Authorization: Bearer <access token retrieved from Security Token Service>
      • Token received from Security Service should be used as Bearer

  • Headers (JSON)
    • Content-Type: application/json
    • Accept: application/json
    • Authorization: Bearer <access token retrieved from Security Token Service>
      • Token received from Security Service should be used as Bearer

  • Required Parameters
    • OrgId :- Request.Header.Authorization.OrgId
    • ShipId :- Request.Header.Authorization.ShipId
    • GivenName :- Request.Body.Driver.GivenName
    • Surname :- Request.Body.Driver.Surname
    • DOB :- Request.Body.Driver.DOB
    • DLState :- Request.Body.Driver.DLState
    • Required Fields may vary by state. Please see attached guidelines.

While the most reliable search method for an MVR is to include DL Number, some states allow for a record to be searched using alternate criteria. In these states, DL number is suggested, but not a required input and instead Name and Date of Birth can be used.

You can specify that you would like to receive your response as XML simply by setting a Header of "Accept" to "application/xml"
  • Headers
    • Regardless of which URL you are using, the following headers are required
      • Content-Type: application/json or application/xml
      • Accept: application/json or application/xml
      • Authorization: Bearer db6e8bdf3b8ce796d38f2cd4298d252

Samples and Schemas

  • Please contact or your Account Manager for Request/Response Samples and Schemas

Release Notes

  • V2 to V4
    • REST URL updated from /v2 to /v4
    • DL is optional for CA, FL, IN, ME, MI, MN, MO, NE, NH, NY, OH, OK, VA, WI,WY. If DL is missing for other states, http status 400 is returned.
    • Response schema validation added to improve data quality and returns http status 588 for response schema validation errors.
    • No hits will return an empty body with http status 200.
    • Errors are returned in the response body instead of http reason phrase.
    • A new StatusCode field is added to the response schema. It will contain the HttpStatusCode value.
  Name Size
- MVR Guidelines.doc 76.50 KB
- MVR Guidelines.pdf 283.65 KB